National University of Internal Affairs was attended by representatives of the EU Advisory Mission, Kęstutis Lančinskas, Eric Johansen, Udo Moller, Stanislav Bezovski, Daniel Farrell and Marina Budnik, Hohhin Ronan, Simon Presekar. They met the rector of the university police colonel Valerii Sokurenko and representatives of the administration. At the meeting were discussed questions related to the search of new fields and forms of cooperation. Representatives of the mission presented the renewed mandate of the EU Advisory Mission and described the current activities of the organization.

The guests got acquainted with the material and technical foundation of the university. They visited the sports fields, training police department and the training center of monitoring cyberspace and counteracting cybercrime, museum.

As a result, a list of agreements about future cooperation in the sphere of international progects and to stable the coopecation with collegues from the Brandenburg State Police Academy and College and other European police colleges.