The lecturer of the cycle commission of aircraft maintenance of Kremenchuk Flight College specialist of the highest category, teacher-methodologist Andrii Tsarenko with the participation of design engineer (airframe and engines) of the design department of "AIR TAURUS" Valentyna Klepacha conducted for the 4th year cadets binary lesson on the subject "Design and strength of aircraft engines" on the topic: "Engine lubrication and breather system".

Applicants for education of Kremenchuk Flight College of KhNUIA got acquainted with the algorithms for troubleshooting the lubrication and breather system of the TV3-117 engine. Valentyn Klepach told about the peculiarities of maintenance and gave examples of specific cases.

At the end of the lesson Valentyn Klepach answered the cadets' questions related to the discussed topic and informed about the practical use of the acquired knowledge.