Kateryna Mannapova, Associate Professor of the Department of Sociology and Psychology of the Faculty No. 6, Psychologist and Specialist of the “Green Room” of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, completed the training course “Children protection from sexual exploitation, trafficking and violence”. The training course was conducted by Public Organization «Child Rescue Service» in conjunction with NGO «International Leadership and Development Centre”, to ensure that the child’s rights and interests are respected, and he or she is protected from sexual exploitation, trafficking and violence. The training was carried out by both international and domestic leading experts.

The following topics were covered during the course: identification of sexual violence, taking into account online violence: the work of a multidisciplinary team; specifics of work organization with children who have been sexually abused, confirmation of the fact of sexual violence by a specialist; methods of work with children who have been victims of sexual abuse; online meeting with national experts; international experience of working with experts.

The acquired knowledge will be used in the work of Psychologists and Specialists of the “Green Room” of KhNUIA, designed to work with children who have suffered as a result of a crime or have witnessed sexual violence, other crimes or those who are suspected of committing crimes.