Associate professors of the Department of Civil Law and Proceedings of the Faculty № 6 Tetiana Kyrychenko and Ella Vakulovych took part in the meeting of the research group "Lawyer" of Kharkiv State Automobile and Road College. College students presented their reports on legal issues related to the professional activities of the road industry, followed by a discussion of the reports.

Tetiana Kyrychenko and Ella Vakulovych positively assessed the work of students and acquainted the audience with the work experience of the Faculty of Law and Mass Communications of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs. Emphasis has been made on the possibility of obtaining highly qualified legal education at the university and its application in the economic and legal sphere. Nina Puhachova, the Head of the Jurisprudence Department of the KhSARC, thanked the staff of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs for their participation in legal education events, long-term and fruitful cooperation.