As part of the study of the discipline “Municipal Law”, 4th year full-time students of Sumy Branch of KhNUIA participated remotely in the educational serials “Candidate” and “Voter” on the national online platform for digital literacy.

Educational serials are a new approach to educational processes called “edutaming”. Joint projects of the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine and the Center of Reform Support “Candidate” and “Voter” allow getting the high motivation to acquire new knowledge and skills.

What open voter lists are, why a bulletin needs a control card, is it possible to vote early, to understand the work of observers on election day, to conduct pre-election campaigning, to learn how to become a candidate for the local council deputy, to understand who is a deputy of the local council, to know how the community budget is filled - these and other questions are answered by educational serials.


Sumy branch of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs