A thematic extended meeting of the Scientific Circle of students dedicated to the 26th anniversary of the university took part at the Department of Sociology and Psychology of the Faculty No. 6 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs.

The meeting was attended by Olena Shakhova, the Head of the Scientific Circle, Associate Professor, Alla Larionova, Associate Professor, members of the Scientific Circle, interested students and Lecturers of the Department.

Thanks to modern online technologies, the participants of the event had the opportunity to get acquainted with the presentation of the museum exhibition “Scientific Constellation of KhNUIA”, dedicated to the 26th anniversary of the university.

Students saw rare materials from the museum's funds, got acquainted with the history of the university’s scientific activities and the achievements of its outstanding scientists. A distance tour of the prepared slide show was conducted by Andrii Prokhorov, a Specialist of the Leisure Unit of the Department of Social and Humanitarian Work of KhNUIA.