Students and research and teaching staff of the Department of Sociology and Psychology of the Faculty No. 6 of KhNUIA listened to an online lecture “Economics 4.0 in the light of the theory of situational management”, organized by the University of Occupational Safety Management in Katowice (Poland) for students of partner higher education institutions in Ukraine.

The lecture was given by Pavel Myonsec, psychologist, coach, business coach (Katowice, Poland). At the beginning of the lecture, Olena Koshchenko, the speaker, informed about the educational institution - the University of Occupational Safety Management, the curriculum, specialties, logistics, the program of international cooperation and the program of double diplomas.

During the lecture “Economics 4.0 in the light of the theory of situational management”, its participants had the opportunity to ask questions and discuss with the lecturer.

Theoretical provisions of the lecture and practical recommendations given by Pavel Myonsec will be used during the implementation of educational activities at the Faculty No. 6.