Sumy Branch of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs was represented by charming second-year beauties cadet Anna Berezova and student Anna Martynenko in the contest “StudMiss Sumy Region 2020”.

For this year's competition, the organizer, the public organization “Beauty and Brain of Sumy Region”, chose the competition in the style of “Matrix”.

In order to comply with the quarantine restrictions, viewers had the opportunity to watch the action on the air.

Among the nine students, the title of the second vice-StudMiss Sumy Region 2020 and the crown for winning the “Miss Artistry” nomination was awarded to cadet Anna Berezova. In the creative contest, the judges recognized Anna Berezova as the best. Anna Martynenko won the “Internet Favorite” nomination. She took third place in the “Miss Audience Choice” nomination and became “Miss Individuality”.

We are proud of our beauties and wish them success!


Sumy branch of KhNUIA