The Scientific and Practical Round Table "Protection of Human Rights in the Conditions of European and Euro-Atlantic Integration: Environmental, Economic and Social Aspects" was held in Mariupol. The Round Table was organized by Donetsk State University of Management, Legal Clinic "Femida", All-Ukrainian Public Organization “Ukrainian Bar Association” on the ZOOM platform. The purpose of the event was to identify current issues and search for opportunities to improve national legislation in the field of human rights protection based on a constructive dialogue between scientists and practitioners.

Yuliia Demchenko, the master's degree student of specialty 081 "Law", took part in the round table.  She prepared and delivered the scientific report “Protection of Human Land Rights in the Conditions of European and Euro-Atlantic Integration” under the scientific guidance of Oleksii Shumilo, the Associate Professor of the Department of Legal Support of Economic Activity of the Faculty No. 6 of KhNUIA.