The Library of the University presents its community the latest scientific and methodological publications for 2020, developed by the staff of the Research Laboratory on the Issues of Information Technologies Development under the guidance of Vadym Korshenko, the Department of Information Processing Technology and Cybersecurity under the guidance of Yurii Hnusov(Faculty No.4) and the Department of Criminal Procedure and Pre-Trial Investigation under the guidance of Oleksandr Yukhno (Faculty No.1).

Among the methodological recommendations devoted to the improvement of the development of information technologies in the activity of the National Police of Ukraine are :

  • Methodical recommendations on the use of the computer program "Educational ERDR" (for the role of "teacher") / V.A. Korshenko, Z.H.Demydov, O.O.Kolmyk, etc .; Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, KhNUIA.-2nd ed., Revised. and add.-H .: KhNUIA, 2020.-16 p.
  • Methodical recommendations on the use of the computer program "Educational ERDR" (for the role of "cadet") / V.A. Korshenko, Z.H.Demydov, O.O.Kolmyk, etc .; Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, KhNUIA. - 2nd ed., Revised. and add.-H .: KhNUIA, 2020.   32 p.
  • Use of technical devices and technical means of photography and filming, video recording by police bodies and subdivisions. Analysis of foreign experience: methodological materials for police officers / V.A. Korshenko, M.V.Mordvyntsev, Yu.V.Hnusov, V.V.Chumak, V.A. Svitlichnyi; Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, KhNUIA.- Kh .: KhNUIA.- 2020.-44 p.

The publications will be useful for both officers of the National Police of Ukraine and cadets of the Universities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine.

The library invites the University community to look through new scientific and methodological publications.