Valentina Vasylenko, a Professor at the Department of Humanities of the Sumy Branch of the KhNUIA, held a moderation seminar "Peculiarities of the Business Speech Culture of a Police Officer" at the Main Directorate of the National Police of Sumy Region. The event was held in implementation of KhNUIA Plan for the implementation of the order of the Cabinet of Ministers of December 16, 2020 №
1585 "On approval of the action plan for the implementation of the first stage (until 2022) of the Ukrainian Language Promotion Strategy until 2030 "Strong language is a successful state".

The event was attended by the employees of the Department of organizational support of temporary detention facilities, convoy service of MDNP, State Institution "Sumy Remand Prison", heads of ITT region, as well as the Regional Representative of the Parliamentary Commissioner for Human Rights in Sumy region and the Regional Public Relations Coordinator in human rights in Sumy region.
During the seminar Valentyna Vasylenko told about the history of Ukrainian spelling, with the help of an interactive lecture with Power Point presentation she made a brief overview of the main changes in the new edition of "Ukrainian spelling" and conducted a test training for the audience. The participants of the seminar improved their level of knowledge of the Ukrainian language and received
practical recommendations on the application of spelling changes.