The difficult and pretty tough situation in which teachers and scientists found themselves in quarantine conditions does not eliminate the need to continue the process of self-education, self-improvement, because the one who teaches must constantly learn in order to improve his pedagogical skills, to know about what processes are taking place in the scientific field. Head of the Department of Ukrainian Study of the Faculty No.2, Doctor of Philology, Professor Ihor Chornyi took part in two English-language distance learning courses on the British platform FutureLearn. One of them, “Communication and Interpersonal Skills at Work”, dedicated to modern theories of communication, communication with administration and subordinates, is very useful for understanding Western European theories of communication. Another, “William Wordsworth: Poetry, People and Place”, offers to deepen knowledge of the history of English literature, in particular, the work of the romantic poet of the 19th century W. Wordsworth.

The knowledge acquired during these courses will be used in professional and scientific activities.

Department of Public Relations of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs