On April 04, 2025, Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs will host the XXVI International Scientific and Practical Conference in foreign languages for students "Current issues of defence and security sector development (foreign experience)" online
On April 16, 2025, Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs will host the II International Scientific and Practical Conference “Crime and Counteraction to it in War and Post-War Perspective: Interdisciplinary Panorama” online
On April 25, 2025, Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs will host the International Psychological Forum “Personality, Society, Law” online
On May 28, 2025, Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs will host the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Security in Cyberspace” online
If you want to become a police officer, to receive education on a budgetary basis - register on the portal https://osvita.np.gov.ua to submit an applicant form in time! Apply and master the profession of an investigator, a specialist for criminal police units, preventive activities, accounting and taxation, cyber police.
At the initiative of the Director of the ERI No. 5 of KhNUIA, Doctor of Law, Associate Professor Oksana BRUSAKOVA, the Department of Cybersecurity and DATA Technologies of the ERI No. 5 of KhNUIA, the Cybersecurity Olympiad "Cyber Researcher" is being held, in which secondary school and pre-higher vocational education students from all regions of Ukraine are invited to participate.
From March 10 to 23, 2025, KhNUIA, in cooperation with partners - the Cyber Police Department of the National Police of Ukraine, the Department of Information and Analytical Support of the National Police of Ukraine - is holding a webquest "CyberKhNUIA".
On the initiative of the Director of the ERI No. 5 Oksana BRUSAKOVA, the Institute has restored the tradition of holding Debate Club competitions among students. The mixed form of education and martial law led to a special format of the event - online mode.
With the assistance of the Director of the Separate structural unit "Khotyn Professional College of the Higher Education Institution "Podilsky State University"" Volodymyr YUZKO, a career orientation meeting was held with students of the specialty "Accounting and Taxation".
Professor of the Department of Language Training Oleh HONCHARUK and senior lecturer of the same department Larysa SAZANOVA presented to the cadets of the ERI No. 4 the historical path of Ukraine to the EU, the main events and decisions made that contribute to rapprochement with the European community.
A career guidance online meeting with graduating students of Taraniv Lyceum named after Heroes of Shironin of Zmiiv City Council of Kharkiv region was held by Valeria HNATENKO, Associate Professor of the Department of Criminal Procedure and Organization of Pre-Trial Investigation of the ERI No. 1.
Senior researcher of the Research laboratory of social and psychological support, assistance and rehabilitation of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Scientific and Research Institute No. 3 of KhNUIA Vitalii NAIDA became one of the Sur-Place program fellows from the Center for Interdisciplinary Ukrainian Studies "Think Space Ukraine" of the University of Regensburg.
At the regular meeting of the Academic Council of the Educational and Research Institute No. 2, the awarding of the team of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, which participated in the online brain-ring on the theory of state and law, which was held at the State University "Kyiv Aviation Institute", took place.
Weaving camouflage nets by students of Sumy branch of KhNUIA remains one of the extremely important initiatives. Every day, volunteers of the branch make their significant contribution to the common cause. Only in recent days, the cadets have made two camouflage nets with their own hands, which have already been transferred to the front.
On April 04, 2025, Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs will host the XXVI International Scientific and Practical Conference in foreign languages for students "Current issues of defence and security sector development (foreign experience)" online
On April 16, 2025, Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs will host the II International Scientific and Practical Conference “Crime and Counteraction to it in War and Post-War Perspective: Interdisciplinary Panorama” online
On April 25, 2025, Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs will host the International Psychological Forum “Personality, Society, Law” online
On May 28, 2025, Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs will host the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Security in Cyberspace” online