Teaching staff of the Department of Foreign Languages ​​of Faculty No 1 are constantly striving for professional development. Associate Professor Oleh Honcharuk took part in the International scientific and methodical seminar "Relevant issues of teaching foreign languages ​​in educational institutions", which took place at Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University. The latest innovative teaching foreign languages methods and techniques ​​were considered.

Senior lecturers of the same department Liubov Rusanova and Larysa Sazanova were the participants in the number of online webinars and trainings.
Speakers of the webinar "What's New in World Link, Fourth Edition" from National Geographic John Hughes and Lewis Thompson spoke about the novelties of the Fourth Edition and what made it popular among teachers and students, they presented a new video program "Global Voices", sections "Active English" that form students' confidence in communication and increase motivation. The participants of the event also got acquainted with the development of content for general English language courses.
In the online trainings “Effective use of the online platform "My English Lab" for distance learning" and "Using a modern English teacher tool – online testing of students using the "MyEnglishLab platform" the methodologists of Dinternal Education shared their experience, what types of tests were presented on the MyEnglishLab platform, how to set up quality and effective online testing and choose online testing modes: in the classrooms or after classes.
The online training "Emotional intelligence as a professional need and tool" was devoted to the main differences between mental and emotional intelligence, emotional literacy that affects successful relationships and progress in learning. The lecturers got the certificates for participation in webinars and trainings.