On April 04, 2025, Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs will host the XXVI International Scientific and Practical Conference in foreign languages for students "Current issues of defence and security sector development (foreign experience)" online
On April 16, 2025, Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs will host the II International Scientific and Practical Conference “Crime and Counteraction to it in War and Post-War Perspective: Interdisciplinary Panorama” online
On April 25, 2025, Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs will host the International Psychological Forum “Personality, Society, Law” online
On May 28, 2025, Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs will host the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Security in Cyberspace” online.
If you want to become a police officer, to receive education on a budgetary basis - register on the portal https://osvita.np.gov.ua to submit an applicant form in time! Apply and master the profession of an investigator, a specialist for criminal police units, preventive activities, accounting and taxation, cyber police.
The teacher of the Department of Special Physical Training of the ERI No. 2, Oleksandr SHEPELEV, and the police officer of the community of Shepetivska DPD of the Main Police Department in Khmelnytsky region, Ruslan SOPRONIUK, conducted a practical lesson on the topic "Practice of throwing techniques and defensive actions on the ground" for the cadets of the ERI No. 2.
Cadets studying in the specialty 071 "Accounting and Taxation" successfully passed a comprehensive exam in their specialization. The certification took the form of answers to questions on theory and solving situational tasks in accounting, analytics and auditing.
Since the beginning of Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine, employees of JSC "Ukrtransnafta" have united and created the Charitable Foundation "Hardened Hearts" to actively support the military, help children and victims of the war.
The police officer of Vinnytsia DPD of the Main Police Department in Vinnytsia region, senior lieutenant of police Viacheslav BUHAIENKO and associate professor of the Department of Psychology, Sociology and Pedagogy of the ERI No. 3 Pavlo CHERVONYI conducted a practical binary lesson for higher education applicants majoring in "Psychology".
Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, together with other patriots of Ukraine, philanthropists, and volunteers, constantly helps the defenders who defend Ukraine from the Russian aggressor.
Students of the ERI No. 1, 4, 5 watched the short film "When the Dead Sing...", which highlights the events of the OUN and UPA in the 1950s in Khmelnytskyi region. After watching, cadets and students talked with the author of the film - screenwriter and director Vasyl HORBATIUK, who shared the history of the film's creation and explained why this particular topic was chosen.
The abstracts of the report on the topic "Human rights issues under martial law" at the 8th All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Cadet (Student) Conference in foreign languages were presented by the cadet of the ERI No. 1, Anzhela STETSIUK.
Senior operational officer of the criminal police sector of Yavoriv DPD of the Main Police Department in Lviv region Roman KURILETS shared his professional experience with first-year cadets of the ERI No. 4 during a binary lesson on the discipline "Fundamentals of Legal Knowledge: Criminal Law."
Fresh-year students of the Educational and Research Institute No. 5 Illia PAVLOV and Viktor RIABETS joined the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Science and Technology: Challenges, Prospects and Innovations”, which was held in Osaka (Japan).
On April 04, 2025, Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs will host the XXVI International Scientific and Practical Conference in foreign languages for students "Current issues of defence and security sector development (foreign experience)" online
On April 16, 2025, Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs will host the II International Scientific and Practical Conference “Crime and Counteraction to it in War and Post-War Perspective: Interdisciplinary Panorama” online
On April 25, 2025, Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs will host the International Psychological Forum “Personality, Society, Law” online
On May 28, 2025, Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs will host the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Security in Cyberspace” online.