Associate Professor of the Department of Administrative Law and Procedure of the Faculty № 1 Maryna Dzhafarova together with the inspector of the public relations department of the Patrol Police in Kharkiv region, senior lieutenant of police Artem Lykhomanov conducted a binary lesson for the second-year cadets of the faculty № 2 on the subject "Administrative Process". The topic of the lesson was "Proceedings in cases of administrative offenses."

During the meeting, the peculiarities of registration of materials on administrative offenses by patrol officers in the process of performance of their duties, requirements for drawing up a protocol on administrative offenses, procedures of general and simplified proceedings were considered. The cadets paid special attention to the observance of the constitutional rights and guarantees of citizens and the limits of the application of police measures.

The speech aroused great interest, as Artem Lykhomanov shared his own practical experience in patrolling with future colleagues. The inspector also drew attention to the peculiarities of communication with citizens during the performance of functional duties, gave interesting and useful examples that occurred in his work, as well as mistakes that may be made by police officers.

At the end of the lesson, the practitioner answered the cadets' questions and wished them success in their studies and future professional activities. The obtained practical advice and skills will definitely be useful for future graduates during their further professional activity.