Associate Professor of the Department of Administrative Law and Procedure of the Faculty №1 KhNUIA Maryna Dzhafarova together with the inspector of the public relations department of the Patrol Police in Kharkiv region senior lieutenant of police Artem Likhomanov conducted a binary lesson for cadets of the 3rd year of the Faculty №2 on the discipline “Administrative Process” on the topic “Proceedings in cases of administrative offenses”.

The practical worker acquainted the cadets with the main negative factors that contribute to the commission of administrative offenses, highlighted the basic principles of crime prevention and the formation of legal awareness of citizens. In addition, Artem Likhomanov analyzed the peculiarities of bringing to administrative responsibility on the basis of administrative procedural norms of certain articles of the Code of Administrative Offenses, formulated circumstances that exclude administrative liability, analyzed the conditions and cases of drawing up a report on an administrative offense under Art. 258 CAO. 

The speaker also drew the attention of higher education seekers to the conditions of drafting a decision on an administrative offense, highlighted the typical mistakes made by police officers during its drafting, which is the basis for revoking such a decision in courts of general jurisdiction.

At the end of the lesson Artem Likhomanov answered the cadets' questions and wished them success in their studies and future professional activity.

Department of Public Relations of KhNUIA