Associate Professor of the Department of Administrative Law and Procedure of the Faculty № 1 of KhNUIA Maryna Dzhafarova conducted for cadets of the second year of the Faculty № 2 binary classes on the subject "Administrative Process" on "Peculiarities of drafting administrative procedural documents in cases of administrative offenses" with the participation of the platoon inspector of the first tactical and operational response of the Patrol Police Department in Kharkiv region, Police Lieutenant Yevhen Lytsenko.

The practical worker told the cadets about the work in patrol police units, discussed with them the legal basis, grounds, and general procedure for drafting administrative procedural documents in cases of administrative offenses, features of operational search and operational-technical measures, as well as errors that may be assumed by police. Yevhen Lytsenko also noted that this profession requires not only theoretical and practical knowledge but also a creative approach to their activities, non-standard solution of certain tasks, personal and business qualities of a police officer. The practitioner emphasized the atypical form of communication with a specific category of citizens - drug addicts and previously convicted, as well as the importance of perfect knowledge of administrative procedure law because possession of the legal framework is the key to successful law enforcement.

At the end of the lesson, Yevhen Lytsenko answered the cadets' questions and wished them success in their studies and future professional activity.