Every year in Ukraine, from November 25 to December 10, the International Campaign "16 Days Against Violence" is held, which has been supported by the international community since 1991. As part of this action, the curator of the study group 409 of the Faculty № 3 Associate Professor of Pedagogy and Psychology Viktoriia Dotsenko conducted an educational and preventive board game "Stop Violence!". It was developed by the All-Ukrainian Public Center "Volunteer" in cooperation with the Program of Equal Opportunities and Women's Rights in Ukraine, implemented by the United Nations Development Program in Ukraine and the European Union.

The game aims to address in detail the issues of preventing domestic violence and child abuse. Performing the tasks of the game, higher education students were able to discuss in detail important and controversial issues regarding the nature of the phenomenon of violence and increase the level of knowledge on the following issues: the nature, causes, types and indicators of domestic violence; mechanisms of interaction of bodies and services in the field of counteraction to violence; primary, secondary and tertiary prevention of violence; content and forms of work with abusers and victims of domestic violence and abuse.