Faculty № 1 cadets of the final year have practical exercises in the educational discipline "Practice with the use of technical and criminalistics means of proof". 

In order to conduct classes in the form of quests on the topic of "Forensic Ballistics", it was necessary to prepare objects with shot traces. To this end, the head of the Department of Firearms Training of the faculty № 3, police colonel Vitalii Fedorov, senior lecturer of the same department, police major Serhii Tolkachov, associate professor of Department of Criminalistics, Forensic Science and Pre-Medical Training of the faculty № 1 of KhNUIA, lieutenant colonel of police Tetiana Matiushkova and the head of educational laboratory of the same department Vitalii Zahorulko carried out shots from different distances and terms in wooden, skin, cardboard, tissue, plastic and other objects from the pistols PM and Glock in the shooting range № 2 of KhNUIA. 

Specialists of two faculties prepared about 30 subjects with basic and additional evidence of the post-war, the work on which allows cadets to improve skills in examining, describing, extracting and packing of ballistic objects, identifying the type of forensic examinations, the sequence of their appointment, etc. 

According to the practical exercises, the cadets create protocols fragments of the inspection place of the event with a photo table, scheme and other additions.