On the eve of the internship in the territorial divisions (sectors) of juvenile prevention of the National Police of Ukraine in the regions a detailed instruction with students of the study group Ф3-17-409 was conducted.

Lieutenant Colonel of police Serhii Ternytskyi, Head of the Monitoring Department of the Personnel Department, paid attention to the issues of service in the National Police of Ukraine, compliance with the laws of Ukraine "On Higher Education", "On the National Police", "On Prevention of Corruption", Traffic Rules, Disciplinary Statute of the National Police of Ukraine, ethics, as well as behavior in everyday life and public places.

Yurii Kushneruk, a specialist of the Practical Training Department of the Educational and Methodical Department, acquainted the staff with the main tasks of the practice, drew attention to the timeliness of arrival to the relevant police department, the duration of the internship, the frequency of reporting to the internship supervisor from the university.

Olena Fedorenko, Head of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology, stressed that internship is an integral part of the educational process, during which higher education students consolidate the theoretical knowledge gained in practice. Olena Ivanivna also focused on the proper implementation of the tasks provided for in the individual plans, on the quality of preparation and execution of reporting documents necessary for the positive protection of the internship, conscientious attitude to certain duties.

During the internship, applicants for higher education acquire skills in the future profession of a psychologist, are involved in activities to provide psychological support to employees of juvenile prevention and other police departments, to work with minors. The result of its implementation is the formation of future psychologists professionally necessary practical skills and abilities.