Associate Professor of the Department of Sociology and Psychology of the Faculty №6, KhNUIA, Yurii Aleksandrov with the methodologist of the Faculty №6, Oleksandr Shulhin, inspector of the Faculty №3 Daria Balash, with the fourth-year student of the Faculty №6 Tetiana Khvorost held a сareer guidance meeting with the students of 9-11 classes, school № 126, Kharkiv.

Yurii Aleksandrov acquainted high school students with the rules of admission and study, with the material and technical base of the university and leisure conditions. He paid special attention to the training of practical psychologists, the presence of a military department, told about the "green room".

In addition, students were interviewed about the prevention of suicidal behavior, unsafe entertainment and selfies, the rules of conduct on social networks.

University representatives Daria Balash and Tetiana Khvorost demonstrated self-defense techniques, rules of conduct in extreme conditions and the forensics analyst work.