An awards ceremony for participants of the Ukrainian Sambo Championship among juniors and seniors took place during the morning line-up of the personnel of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs.

According to the results of the competition, members of the University team: first-year cadet of the Faculty No. 1, Private Police Officer Heorhii Ivchenko (up to 58 kg) took II place; first-year cadet of the Faculty No. 2, Private Police Officer Vasyl Sydor (up to 71 kg), third-year cadet of the Faculty No. 1, Police Corporal Daniz Rashydov (up to 88 kg), and second-year cadet of the Faculty No. 1, Private Police Officer Denys Smyrnov (over 98 kg) took III place; first-year cadet of the Faculty No. 4, Private Police Officer Bohdan Korobeinikov (up to 79 kg) took VII place. In the battle section of sambo, in the weight category up to 71 kg, first-year cadets of the Faculty No 2, Private Police Officers: Vasyl Sydor took I place and his brother Mykola Sydor took II place.

Valerii Sokurenko, Rector of the University, Police General of the 3-rd rank, congratulated the athletes on their victories and presented awards to them.