Cadets of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs headed by the Dean of the Faculty No. 4 (cyberpolice), Police Lieutenant Colonel Viacheslav Markov, juvenile prevention officers of the Department on Combating Drug-Related Crimes of the Main Directorate of the National Police in Kharkiv region, and activists of the public formation "Social Security of the District Safety " held an action and painted over the email addresses of the drug stores in Liubotyn.

Participants of the action painted over the addresses of drug stores and left the QR-code of the “StopNarkotik” chatbot designed to block Internet resources selling drugs.

Through the joint efforts of law enforcement officers, cadets, and activists, all streets of Liubotyn were examined. Within a few hours, more than a hundred inscriptions with addresses of online drug stores were painted over and ten addresses were added to the “StopNarcotic” chatbot database for their further blocking.

The StopNarkotik chatbot, which uses the Telegram messenger, was created in 2019 within the framework of the “MRIYA” project by a group of specialists and cadets of the Faculty No. 4 (cyberpolice) of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs.

"With its help, all users of the messenger can block online stores that sell drugs by sending a complaint to the Telegram administration with information about the account from which the drug spam is carried out," said Viacheslav Markov.

At present, users of the “StopNarkotik” chatbot ( have helped block 1983 "drug addresses" throughout Ukraine, which were used by criminals to distribute drugs illegally via the Internet.