Associate Professor of the Administrative Law and Procedure Department of the faculty №1 Maryna Dzhafarova conducted a binary class on the "Administrative Process" subject on "Proceedings in cases of administrative offenses" topic for the 2nd year cadets of the Faculty №4 of KhNUIA. The inspector of the Patrol Police Directorate in Kharkiv region of the Patrol Police Department, senior police lieutenant Oleksii Kolesnikov joined the classes.

The practitioner said that the study of the ensuring proceedings problems in the administrative offenses cases acquires special meaning and relevance in the context of the building of a law state, bringing administrative legislation in line with international standards. The speaker focused the cadets' attention on the sequence of actions defined in the legislation. It was emphasized that each stage is aimed at solving a specific range of tasks and is characterized only by its inherent features. Together, all stages are aimed at achieving the overall goal and solving the proceedings tasks enshrined in the law.

Oleksii Kolesnikov noted separately that a policeman in his daily work should use legal terms correctly, have the accuracy of legal wording, rules of etiquette, and rules of speech during negotiations, meetings, discussions, and public speeches, because they should support, in any circumstances, at the proper level, the law enforcement system image.

The discussion was lively, as applicants for higher education asked a lot of questions. Oleksii Kolesnikov commented on each of them and gave examples from his own practical experience. The binary classes were extremely interesting and useful for future law enforcement officers.