The kettlebell lifting championship of PSS "Dynamo" of Ukraine under the program of complex competitions "Dynamiada-2021" among the teams of higher education institutions belonging to the sphere of management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and other central executive bodies, whose activities are directed and coordinated by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine through the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, took place in Lviv.

According to the results of the competition among the teams of higher education institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the team of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs won!

Among the participants of the competition in the individual competition, the cadets of the team of KhNUIA won the following places:

in the weight category up to 63 kg:

ІІ place - 1st-year cadet of the faculty № 2, police officer Maksym Lytvynenko;

in the weight category up to 73 kg:

І place - 3rd-year cadet of the faculty №4, police officer Illia Fedorenko;

in the weight category up to 78 kg:

ІІІ place - 2nd-year cadet of the faculty № 2, police officer Roman Yadrov;

in the weight category up to 85 kg:

І place - 2nd-year cadet of the faculty № 1 police officer Oleksii Medentsev;

in the weight category up to 95 kg:

І place - 4th-year cadet of the faculty № 2, police officer Oleksandr Nezhmakov;

in the weight category 95+ kg:

ІІ place - 3rd-year cadet of the faculty № 2, police corporal Denys Katiukha;

V place -  4th-year cadet of the faculty № 3, police officer Vladyslav Svichkar.

Congratulations to the university kettlebell lifters on the victory!