This is the Holocaust - just one word, 

And its meaning is a burning pain of heat,

They killed everyone! .. old and young,

Few people saved their lives.

January 27 is the International Holocaust Remembrance Day. On national grounds, one of the bloodiest crimes of Nazism during the Second World War was the killing people. The extermination of the civilian population by the occupiers was carried out throughout Ukraine. Babyn Yar became a mass grave and a symbol of the Holocaust in Ukraine.

On the occasion of commemorating the victims of the Holocaust, a thematic excursion to the Sumy Regional Museum of Local Lore "Holocaust: Memory for the Future" was organized for higher education applicants of Sumy branch of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs.

During the tour, the museum researcher Olena Liubymova acquainted the audience with a photo-documentary exhibition of materials from the State Archives of Sumy region and the museum's funds and told in detail the whole truth about this terrible crime. Among the documents presented there were Nazi orders to identify Jews, their mandatory registration and isolation from the rest of the population, acts of property confiscation of Jewish citizens, and many others.

At the end of the meeting, the applicants of Sumy branch observed a minute of silence for the Holocaust victims.


Sumy branch of KhNUIA