A new monograph by the collective of authors of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs "Leaders of the Kharkiv militia / police (1918-2021): historical and legal research" was recently published. The editorial board of the publication was headed by the Rector of our university, corresponding member of the National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine, Doctor of Law, Professor, Honored Lawyer of Ukraine, Police General of the Third Rank Valerii Sokurenko. The editorial board consisted of: Academician of the National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine, Doctor of Law, Professor, Honored Lawyer of Ukraine Oleksandr Bandurka and Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Honored Education Worker of Ukraine Volodymyr Hrechenko.

The monograph is devoted to the study of the role and activities of militia / police chiefs in Kharkiv region for more than 100-year period (1918–2021). The authors emphasize that in all periods of the history of Law Enforcement agencies a significant role in their activities, successes and failures was played by a personal factor – the leader himself. In this study, an attempt is made to show this role without embellishing, but also without belittling it.

The book provides brief biographical information of the heads of Law Enforcement agencies of Kharkiv region and a brief description of their activities. This activity is presented against the background of the general historical socio-political situation in the country, which was throughout the study period and, of course, influenced the content, forms and methods of work of the leadership of the militia and the police. First of all, we are talking about the general State policy (for examole, a new economic policy or a policy of de-Stalinization) and criminal law policy in a specific historical period.

In addition, the monograph provides a brief analysis of the crime situation in the province, district or region during the leadership of one or another head of the law enforcement body and activities to combat crime, achievements and shortcomings of this work. Due to objective reasons (lack of sources, especially in the 1920s), the materials about the heads of these bodies differ in volume and content. The amount of information about each of the managers was also influenced by the time factor - the term of office. For the vast majority of leaders, it was 2-3 years. Exceptions are I. I. Pokus, O. M. Bandurka, M. T. Mykhailiuk and N. I. Verovka, who headed the police of Kharkiv region for 20, 10, 9, 7 years, respectively.

The monograph also contains photos of police chiefs, which were found by the authors or provided by the heads of Law Enforcement agencies themselves, which are the subject of the study.

The book is for scholars, cadets and students, veterans, practitioners of police, local historians - all who are interested in the history of law, law enforcement in Ukraine.

Professor of History Volodymyr Hrechenko