Associate Professor of the Department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines of the Faculty №6 Candidate of Philological Sciences Nataliia Kobylko took a course “Modern Ukrainian language” from the Educational Hub of Kyiv. The course is based on the new edition of “Ukrainian spelling” in 2019. It covers three modules: “Language and Speech”, “Spelling”, “Business Ukrainian”. The aim of the course is to remind the basics of the language, including letters and sounds, spelling, punctuation and the main changes provided by the “Ukrainian spelling”. The authors of the project Olena Danylina and Iryna Rudyka paid special attention to important spellings, variable spelling of words, creation and functioning of femininities in business speech, features of documentation depending on the profession. Theoretical material is presented in the form of replicas of the main characters, which alternate with practical tasks for participants. The lectors of the course are sure that perfect command of the Ukrainian language is a sign of style and prestige.

As a result of the work, Nataliia Kobylko received a certificate, and the acquired knowledge will be used in the educational process during the lecturing of the discipline “Ukrainian language of professional orientation”.

Department of Public Relations of KhNUIA