As part of career guidance work, Deputy Dean of the Faculty №6 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs Kostiantyn Sverdlin and representatives of the Department of Legal Support of Economic Activity – Associate Professor Iryna Vasylko, Daria Korobtsova, senior lecturers Serhii Matvieiev and Candidate of Law Artem Dobrovinskyi met online with 11th grade students of Kharkiv Gymnasium №23 of Kharkiv City Council.

Representatives of the faculty had conversation on “Admission to study at KhNUIA”, during which they acquainted young people with specialties, study conditions, material and technical base of the university, admission rules, organization of life and leisure of students.

Iryna Vasylko told the students about the Legal Clinic of KhNUIA and the Gender Center of KhNUIA, in the activities of which scholar and academic workers and students of the Faculty №6, practicing lawyers, psychologists, sociologists and specialists in other fields take an active part.

Particular attention was paid to the training of specialists in the specialty 072 “Finance, Banking and Insurance”.

Serhii Matvieiev told about the Department of Military Training, where young men and women study according to the program of training reserve officers in the military accounting specialty “Moral and psychological support of the actions of troops (forces)”. After its completion, the military rank of “junior lieutenant of the reserve”.

Prospective entrants also drew attention to the benefits of studying at the university and the opportunities and prospects for further professional growth. Representatives of the Faculty №6 invited students to test their knowledge in the competition “Find a financial scammer” and talk to employees of the Department of Legal Support of Economic Activity.

Department of Public Relations of KhNUIA