Associate Professor of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines №6 Candidate of Philology Nataliia Kobylko along with the students-psychologists attended an online lecture of the contemporary Ukrainian writer, author of youth novels Liubko Deresh “Becoming a writer: how to write and publish the first art book”.

The event took place within the School of Writing Skills “Ryba”. The lecturer revealed the peculiarities of the writer's formation, namely: the author's self-determination, preliminary work with the material, working mode. Liubko Deresh spoke about the modern literary process; the artist's dilemma – to preserve their individuality, while playing by the rules of the market; author's strategies; pointed out the importance of choosing the genre and category of literature (mass or elite). The writer emphasized the main trends in world literature and where to follow them. The choice of an idea (self-interest, originality) and the complexity of the topic are extremely important for each artist, on which his success among readers depends. On the example of his own novel, Liubko Deresh demonstrated the primary structure of the text, the creation of loglines. At the end of the lecture, the artist gave a list of books that will be useful for literary skills.

Department of Public Relations of KhNUIA