For students of the Faculty №6 Associate Professors of the Department of Legal Support of Economic Activity Iryna Vasylko, Iryna Kireieiva, senior lecturer of the same department Artem Dobrovinskyi and company inspector of the 5th battalion 2 PPD in Kharkiv region RPS lieutenant police Mykyta Baranov conducted a joint binary lesson on “Organization of the tax system of the state. Life safety management” in the disciplines “Tax Management” and “Life safety and labor protection”.

During the class, Mykyta Baranov spoke about the creation of the Bureau of Economic Security as a central executive body that will replace the tax police and take away some of the powers of the SBU.

The police lieutenant revealed the main task of the police – the provision of police services in the areas of: 1) ensuring public safety and order; 2) protection of human rights and freedoms, as well as the interests of society and the state; 3) combating crime; 4) the provision, within the limits set by law, of assistance services to persons who, for personal, economic, social reasons or as a result of emergencies, need such assistance.

The police officer also acquainted the applicants with higher education with the provisions of the Instruction on registration of materials by police on administrative offenses in the field of road safety, told about preventive measures of the police, about citizens' appeals.

Mykyta Baranov noted that the activities of the police are carried out in close cooperation and interaction with the population, local communities and public associations on a partnership basis and aimed at meeting their needs. The level of public confidence in the police, conducted by independent sociological services, is the main criterion for assessing the effectiveness of police bodies and units.

At the end of the class Mykyta Baranov gave examples from his practical activities.

Department of Public Relations of KhNUIA