Head of the Department of Legal Support of Economic Activity of the Faculty № 6, Professor Olha Hetmanets passed online the II International Training Program for Heads of Education and Science, as well as pedagogical and scientific-pedagogical workers "Together with prominent leaders of today: values, experience, knowledge, competencies and technologies for the formation of a successful personality and the transformation of the surrounding world", which was held on the basis of the International Historical Biographical Institute (Dubai - New York - Rome - Jerusalem - Beijing).

During the program the global problems of development of the modern world were revealed, namely: responsible leadership, strategies and tactics of decision-making of the management of institutions, enterprises and teams of employees; development of personal qualities and key features of forming a successful personality; achieving gender equality; the importance of supporting children with special problems; environmental protection and combating global climate change; professional experience of prominent people for successful career growth; new technologies and prospects for world development; the promotion of democracy and human rights, the fight against poverty and corruption; the ability to defend one's position, change oneself, transform the world around oneself and build a better future, etc.

The program included the preparation of an essay on "How to participate in the II International program of professional development of heads of educational and scientific institutions, as well as pedagogical and scientific-pedagogical workers" Together with prominent leaders of modernity: values, experience, knowledge, competencies and technologies transformation of the surrounding world "influenced the formation of your personality and the desire to transform the surrounding world."

According to the results of the training, Olha Hetmanets received an International Certificate certifying the successful completion of the advanced training program (volume (duration) of training amounted to 180 hours / 6 credits of the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS), including 15 hours of inclusive education / 0.5 ECTS credits)).

Department of Public Relations of KhNUIA