Associate Professor of the department of Department of Criminal Law and Criminology of faculty № 6 Viktoriia Davydenko together with the State Executor of the Interdistrict Department of the State Executive Service of Industrialnyi and Nemyshlianskyi districts of Kharkiv of the Eastern Interregional Department of Justice of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine Viktoriia Vlasyk conducted a binary lesson in the form of video conference with day-time students of the speciality “Law " in the discipline "Criminal Executive Law ". The topic of the lesson is the procedure and conditions of execution of criminal punishments that are not related to imprisonment.

Viktoriia Vlasyk spoke about the peculiarities of the execution of such type of criminal punishment as seizure of property. She identified the types of confiscation, the order of confiscation and sale of confiscated property. She stated that the property belonging to the convict on the rights of private property or its share in the joint property, necessary for the convict and persons who are dependent on him, is not subject to confiscation. The list of such property is determined by the legislation of Ukraine.

Issues related to the activities of the probation authority were also addressed.

Victoria Vlasyk spoke about her responsibilities and problems she faces in performing functions of a state executor in practice.