Nataliia Aleksieienko, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Sociology and Psychology of the Faculty No.6, held a preventive conversation on the topic of dangerous entertainment on the Internet with a presentation of the scientific development of the Department of Sociology and Psychology "Dangerous Games". The development took 3rd place among the methodological recommendations for the Juvenile Prevention Unit at the competition of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine. The event was held for pupils of 8-10th and 11th grades of Kharkiv Secondary School No.44.

According to psychologists, adolescence is the most vulnerable period in terms of dangerous communication on the Internet. During the lecture, teenagers watched the video "Stop Sexting", got acquainted with the concept of sexting, found out about the consequences of dangerous behavior on social networks, and received information about the specifics of contacting law enforcement agencies. The information about the rules of admission to KhNUIA was also provided.

Department of Public Relations of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs