Judge-Speaker of the Commercial Court of Luhansk Region Olena Fonova delivered an online lecture for employees and students of the University on the basis of the Google Meet platform on the topic "Liability for non-fulfillment of economic obligations: pitfalls and features." Olena Fonova - Candidate of Law, teacher, trainer and developer of the National School of Judges of Ukraine, coordinator of the Donbas Regional Council for Justice Reform of the EU project Pravo-Justice, Scientific Advisory Board at the National Association of Arbitration Managers of Ukraine, and member of the working group at the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on improving the legislation in the field of bankruptcy.

The event was attended by the Head of the Department of Legal Support of Economic Activity of the Faculty № 6 Doctor of Law, Professor Olha Hetmanets, Professors Iryna Sievidova, Alina Chorna, Associate Professors Iryna Vasylko, Valenyna Zhornokui, Daria Korobtsova, research and teaching staff and students of faculty № 6.

The judge-speaker revealed the meaning of the concept of "penalty", its types, the legal consequences of payment (transfer) of the penalty, the peculiarities of the legal regulation of fines, the characteristics of the penalty, the characteristics of the fine and more.

Olena Fonova paid special attention to the legal regulation in the Civil Code of Ukraine and the Commercial Code of Ukraine on penalties, fines and penalties.

The presentation "Peculiarities of application of the legislation on penalties and charges under Article 625 of the Civil Code of Ukraine" helped to better understanding the issues covered. The speaker also explained exactly how to calculate the penalty and fine: the order of accrual, the terms of accrual, provided a formula and paid attention to the peculiarities of accrual of interest in practice.

The presented information will be useful for both practitioners and students.