Nataliia Kobylko, a senior teacher of the Department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines of the faculty №6, Ph.D., developed her practical skills by participating in the webinar "Online services for distance work: Google Meet, Skype, Zoom", and deepened her knowledge of modern applications for distance learning and developed her practical skills in using them. A lecturer Viktor Nemchenko told about the online tools for synchronous interaction organization during blended learning, pointed out the advantages and disadvantages of each application, provided useful tips to help teachers make their classes state-of-the-art. According to the results of the webinar, the senior teacher received a certificate of advanced training.

Nataliia Kobylko also joined the work of the virtual open space "Ukrainians of Africa: Horizons of Joint Growth", organized by the International Institute of Education, Culture and Diaspora Relations. This is a part of a large-scale IIEC project to study migration processes from Ukraine, which consists of scientific, cultural and educational components. The event took place on the Zoom platform and brought together participants from 30 countries.The main issues were: the reasons for migration, a typical portrait of a Ukrainian man and woman in South African Republic, the culture and traditions preservation of  our people abroad. During the International Round Table there was a discussion of the Ukrainian language status in the world and the peculiarities of its teaching as a foreign language. The participants of the event received the relevant certificates.