Representatives of the Kremenchuk Flight College of the Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs - Olexander Kozenko, a specialist in the research laboratory for aircraft
modernization, and Yevhen Dmytriev, a computer engineer at the training complex, led by Vice- Rector Volodymyr Shulha, visited the company “Indra” (Spain).

Indra is a developer and manufacturer of a comprehensive simulator for Airbus Helicopters H - 225, which are offered to supply to Ukraine, in particular to the Kremenchuk Flight College.
University representatives established business contacts with companies “Airbus Helicopters” and “Indra” and received detailed information on the specifics of the operation of the N - 225 training complex. Issues related to the further use of the training complex by cadets of the KFC KhNUIA and pilots were also discussed.