Tetiana Fomina, Associate Professor of the Department of Criminal Procedure and Pre-Trial Investigation of the Faculty №1, presented Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs taking part in the training “ToT: Training of Trainers” from the “Progressive” community. More than 200 lecturers from all over Ukraine took part in the discussion of the topic “Progressiveness in education. How to set trends?” The participants of the discussion panel were: Deputy Chairman of the National Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education Andrii Butenko, Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine for European Integration Oleksii Shkuratov, Chairman of the Council of Young Scholars at the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine Olesia Vashchuk.

The three days of training were full of amusing events: a combination of theoretical and practical cases; mastering the skills of “Ice Breaking”, “living library”, role-playing games; discussion of modern problems of lecturing and ways to create a “lecturer brand”; mastering the skills of creating video content, as well as tools for use in the educational process. The highlight of the training was informal communication, interesting stories and cases from the lecturing life “Lecturers confession”.

The experience gained during the training will be shared with colleagues. Today, lecturers must not only be experts in their field, but also have the best practices and tools for organizing and conducting training sessions.

Department of Public Relations of KhNUIA