Representatives of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs: the Head of the Department of International Cooperation Olena Ustymenko and an adjunct of the Department of Educational and Scientific Training Anastasiia Vuima took the course "English for law enforcement officials II" on the online educational platform LEEd CEPOL.

The course included the following forms of activity: reading, listening, speaking and writing, as well as weekly online sessions, during which communication took place on a specific topic with a native speaker and practical classes with teachers dedicated to the study and acquisition of theoretical knowledge in English grammar. Every week, the course participants took a test to check the acquisition of the acquired knowledge.

During the course, the participants learned special police terminology on the following topics: "English Police Station, Equipment and Officers", "Money Laundering", "Cybercrime", "Europol and Investigation Teams", "Schengen", "Counter Terrorism", "EU Policy "Cycle", "Immigration" and did a series of reading, listening and speaking exercises.

During the completion of the online course (duration 125 hours), the participants passed the final test and, based on its results, received the appropriate certificates.

Department of Public Relations of KhNUIA