Representatives of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs took part in an online meeting of the consortium of the international project "Sustainability and internationalization capacity for the modernization of higher education for newcomers from the Eastern Partnership countries" (SIN-NEC).

Iryna Riazantseva, Head of the educational and methodological Department, Tetiana Matiushkova, Head of the Department of International Cooperation, Olena Stativka, Head of the Department of foreign languages ​​of the Faculty No. 4, Oksana Tsukan, Assistant to the Rector on gender issues, project coordinator in Ukraine and Nadiia Serhiienko, Specialist of the Department of International Cooperation took part in event.

The discussion was started by the coordinator of the project Paola Pittia (University of Teramo, Republic of Italy), related to such prospective and current goals and objectives of the SIN-NEC project as internationalization and sustainable development. The next task for the project participants will be to fill out the Self-Assessment Questionnaire on the Internationalization of Higher Education Institutions developed by the consortium by the end of May of current year.