The regular meeting of the scientific circle of the Department of Criminal Procedure, Criminalistics and Expertology of the Faculty No.6 of KhNUIA was dedicated to the anniversary of the founding of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs. The meeting was held online using Zoom video conferencing software chaired by Associate Professor of the Department, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor Svitlana Lozova.

The meeting consisted of two parts. In the first part, the head of the circle Svitlana Lozova told about the history of the university founding, considering separately the history of founding and development of the Department of Criminalistics, mentioning the outstanding scientists who headed it at different times and the main scientific achievements. Eight doctoral and more than 30 candidate dissertations were defended by lecturers and graduates of the department.

The second part was dedicated to the consideration of issues of criminalistic examinations of fingerprints. Oleksandr Lytovskyi, Chief Forensic Expert of the Dactyloscopic Research Sector of the Department of Forensic Research and Accounting of Kharkiv Scientific Research Forensic Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, was invited to the meeting of the scientific circle. The expert told about the fundamental principles of dactyloscopy, types of papillary patterns, features of their detection, fixation, taking and further examinations. The main attention was paid to the order of preparation and appointment of dactyloscopy examinations: formulation of questions, preparation of objects and much more.

The student Olha Shmulii also delivered the report on “Some problematic issues of using a dactyloscopy automated information system”, which revealed the members of the circle's vivid interest. Oleksandr Lytovskyi commented on the report and answered questions about the peculiarities of using a dactyloscopy automated information system in Ukraine.


Department of Public Relations of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs