Students of the faculty № 6 KhNUIA - members of the scientific club - under the leadership of the head of the Department of Law-Enforcement Activity and Policeistics Iryna Panova, the head of the scientific club associate professor Viktoriia Melnyk and teachers of the department held a regular meeting "Legal regulation of violence" devoted to the Ukrainian action "16 days against violence", which aims to draw public attention, especially young people to the problem of overcoming violence in the world.

The teacher of the department Anastasiia Kholdoienko noted that a person who does not have enough psychological and mental laws and mechanisms is extremely vulnerable to psychological violence. She does not clearly understand what is happening to her in a particular life situation, if it is further complicated by the vector of violence and aggression. And it is obvious that almost anyone can become a victim of manipulation. Violence is generally considered to be a direct physical or material manifestation, defined as murder or threat. All these are direct, undoubted, gross forms of violence. However, along with them there is also violence, which penetrates into the psychological and intellectual spheres and manifests itself imperceptibly in the form of manipulation, imposition of personal beliefs about distorted information.

Second-year students prepared scientific reports: Viktoriia Rodycheva - "Administrative and legal regulation of the implementation of measures to prevent domestic violence in the family," Kateryna Labunets - "Factors influencing information violence."

The meeting was held in the format of Google Meet.