Oleksii Shumilo, Associate Professor of the Department of Legal Support of Economic Activity of Faculty №6 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs took part in All-Ukrainian scientific-practical online conference "Social and digital transformation: theoretical and practical problems of legal regulation" and made a report: "Environmental crowdfunding as a means of social transformation: peculiarities of legal regulation ". The conference was organized by the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Digital Transformation, the National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine, the Research Institute of Informatics and Law of the National Academy of Law Sciences of Ukraine, the National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnical Institute named after Igor Sikorsky" and the Internet Association of Ukraine.

The conference was attended by educators, scientists and practical workers from different regions of Ukraine. The conference touched upon topical issues related to legal support of social transformation based on the use of digital technologies and problems of legal regulation of public relations in social communications and in the field of Internet technologies, in the field of public administration, national security and defense, economy, health protection, education, science, culture, finance and banking, etc., as well as the problems of providing information human rights, the activities of new media, social networks in conditions of digital transformation using artificial intelligence, robotics, lawmaking, blockchain technology in various areas of social activity: government, industry, transport, health protection, urban infrastructure, etc. These issues were discussed by the participants of the scientific event.