The Department of Sociology and Psychology of the Faculty № 6, KhNUIA, held a round table "Transformation of models of gender-role relationships in modern society." The event was held in cooperation with student research groups of the Department of Sociology and Psychology, Faculty № 6 KhNUIA, and the Institute of Management, Psychology and Security of Lviv State University of Internal Affairs. The round table was held online using the ZOOM platform. Opening the meeting, the head of the group of the Department of Sociology and Psychology, Candidate of Biological Sciences Olena Shakhova stressed that the purpose of the scientific event is to create a comfortable space where you can think and discuss various stereotypes about the roles of women and men in society. During the round table presentations were made by: 2nd year student of the Department of Sociology and Psychology of the Faculty № 6 Angelina Velychko "Transformation of models of gender-role relationships in modern society" and a graduate of the second level of the Institute of Management, Psychology and Security of Lviv State University of Internal Affairs Julia Hnatyuk "Psychological aspects of jealousy among young people." The reports induced a lively discussion of students and teachers.