The School of young scientist established by the Department of Scientific Work Organization together with the Scientific Society of students, cadets, listeners, postgraduates, adjunct students, doctoral students, and young scientists has started its work. Its purpose is to raise awareness of the cadets, listeners, graduate students, adjuncts, doctoral students, and young scientists on the possibility of preparing scientific papers, articles, abstracts, research of basic norms and rules of working with scientific literature, information resources, archival documents, etc; as well as to acquaint applicants for higher education with scientific activities and opportunities for its implementation at the university.

Among the tasks of school, there are assistance in forming of scientific and creative potential of cadets, listeners, graduate students, adjuncts, doctoral students, and young scientists; consultative and expert help granting; acquisition of skills of independent creative research work conditioning; assistance in mastering the students of the School in modern forms of organizing and conducting scientific research; assistance in the preliminary examination of scientific work, assistance in the development of abilities of the writing of the scientific papers with avoidance of plagiarism, falsification of data and erroneous quoting; realization of monitoring of professional necessities of young scientists, etc.

The educational-thematic plan of classes at the school provides classes on the following topics: "Scientific career: opportunities and prospects for the development of a young scientist", "Fundamentals of planning scientific research. How to determine the relevance of a topic? Principles of forming the topic of a scientific report", "Determination of materials and methods of scientific research", "Basic methods of statistical data processing. What are the most common programs for statistical data processing and where to find them?", "Modern opportunities for oral and written presentation of scientific data. How to create an informative and interesting presentation of your own research work?", "Opportunities for international cooperation for a young scientist. How to find and receive a scientific grant? Plagiarism. Copyright, etc.

The scientific and pedagogical staff of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of the faculty № 3, the Department of Civil and Legal Disciplines of the faculty №4, the Research Laboratory on Crime Enforcement, the Department of Scientific Work Organization, the Department of International Cooperation and the General Library are involved in teaching at the school.

On the first day of work, there was a lecture delivered by an associate professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of the faculty № 3, a candidate of psychological sciences, an associate professor Olena Petlenko on "Scientific career: opportunities and prospects for the development of a young scientist". The event was attended by more than 80 university applicants for higher education of various levels. The moderator of the event - Oleksandr Khan, a senior researcher of the Department of Scientific Work Organization, a candidate of Law.