Head of School of Scientific Leadership of Faculty No.1 Vitalii Naida and the participants of this School – cadets of Faculty No.1 Anna Terela and Oleksii Rachynskyi took part in the international video competition "My favorite word in German" organized by School of German Law of KAZGUU University after M.S. Narikbaiev.  
The team of School of Scientific Leadership chose the word "family" and followed it through the prism of the police profession and cadets’ everyday life. The youth noted the important role of the family in the formation of a cadet's personality and stressed that a team of classmates, teachers, commanders, course, faculty and university heads became the second family for a young person during the years of studies. You can always ask them for advice, share your thoughts and dreams. These extremely important moments of professional and personal development are engraved in the memory of a young  person and kept for life.