A participant of School of Scientific Leadership of Faculty No.1, a first-year cadet of Faculty No.1 Krystyna Koval took part in an online courses "Green Light for the Earth", "National Preventive Mechanism", "Personal Data Protection" to improve self-education and master soft skills that are necessary conditions for the future successful professional activity of a police officer.
During the online course "Green Light for the Earth" the cadet learned about renewable energy, its role in a society, gained knowledge about why global climate is changing and how it is affected by the use of fossil fuels. It was explained what renewable energy is and simple tips on energy efficiency in everyday life were provided.
The online course "National Preventive Mechanism" is for the people who seek to join the protection of human rights and prevent their violation in detention centers.

The course is a part of a joint project of the European Union and the Council of Europe "The EU and the Council of Europe are working to strengthen the Ombudsman's operational capacity to protect human rights". 
Personal Data Protection course was developed by the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights and the Council of Europe Office in Ukraine in the framework of the Joint Project "The European Union and the Council of Europe work together to strengthen the operational capacity of the Office of the Human Rights Ombudsman in protecting human rights" in collaboration with the
online education studio EdEra. T
The staff of School of Scientific Leadership encourages applicants for higher education of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs to engage in self-education and take an active part in available online webinars, courses, and programs.