Celebrations on the occasion of graduation of cadets and students of the college took place in Kremenchuk Flight College of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs. The event took place in the City Palace of Culture.

After the introduction of the Flag of Ukraine and the College, the performance of the National Anthem, the audience observed a minute of silence in memory of the pilots who died during the flights.

144 college graduates - cadets and students - received diplomas of education. The first are excellent students. Diplomas with honors were presented to them by the Vice-Rector of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, Colonel of Police Serhii Bortnyk, and Mayor Vitalii Maletskyi. After graduation, the diplomas were awarded to college staff, teachers, cadets, and students.

On behalf of the Rector of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, General of Police of the Third Rank Valerii Sokurenko, the Vice-Rector of the University Serhii Bortnyk congratulated the graduates on the holiday: “The college is one of the oldest educational institutions in Ukraine. Its graduates are world-famous pilots, astronauts, avionics. Time is constantly moving forward and the college faces new challenges and challenges, including training for units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine. This is a noble and important mission, which is under the power of smart, courageous, and brave. Today we congratulate such college graduates on receiving a diploma. It gives each of you a decent start to your professional and career growth. Do not lose opportunities, boldly go forward, strengthen the authority and glory of Kremenchuk Flight College of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs with good deeds and dedicated service! Preserve the good name of the graduate, be worthy of your vocation! Good luck to you! ”

Mayor Vitalii Maletskyi thanked the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the rector of the university, and the director of the college for their great contribution to the development of the educational institution, strengthening the material and technical base, and reviving its prestige. He wished the graduates of the college professional success, to always remember and be proud that they are graduates of the Kremenchuk Flight College.

Ruslan Yakovlev, the director of the college, addressed the boys and girls with a farewell speech: “Congratulations on receiving a diploma and your dream profession! Learn, acquire new knowledge and skills, and let this road always be interesting and easy! Good luck, health, inspiration, and dreams come true! ”

On behalf of the parents, the mother of the graduate Victoriia Saiko addressed words of gratitude to the management of the university and the college, scientific and pedagogical staff. Maryna Kiryukhina, the class teacher of the graduates, wished good luck and success in realizing her dreams.

Farewell of the graduates with the Flag of Kremenchuk Flight College took place. The festivities ended with a musical greeting prepared by the participants of amateur performances of the college and graduates.