Every year before the cadets’ graduation celebrations, the university hosts another equally important and long-awaited event - the presentation of lieutenant's shoulder straps. The staff of the university lined up on the large square, honored guests, parents and relatives of the graduates came. The rector of the university, General of Police of the third rank Valerii Sokurenko, presented the first officer's shoulder straps to seven excellent cadets. For conscientious training and service, they received the shoulder straps of senior lieutenants. Addressing the youth, Valerii Sokurenko said: "Remember that the police do not have an easy fate, but I sincerely hope that each of you will achieve the goal you set for yourself by choosing your profession: to serve the state and the people. Be principled, responsible, responsive. Always maintain steadfastness of spirit, courage in actions, wisdom and prudence in making decisions. With honor and dignity carry throughout your life loyalty to the chosen profession, university, Oath! Step forward with confidence! Serve the Ukrainian people honestly!”

The First Rector of the University (1992–2003, 2010–2012), Academician of the National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine, Doctor of Law, Professor, Honored Lawyer of Ukraine, Colonel-General of Police Oleksandr Bandurka emphasized: - A few minutes ago you received the first officer's shoulder straps. From lieutenants, senior lieutenants begins your journey to the great service. There are other ranks in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and I wish each of you to achieve the shoulder straps that I wear on my shoulders. The path to great titles is not easy, sometimes thorny, but the road is overcome by those who have taken the first step, and who persistently follow it. You became police officers. This is a high honor, but an even greater responsibility. Always remember that the motto of the university is “Knowledge. Law. Honor". Follow it, compare all your actions - both official and personal - with the Law, and you will be all right. I wish you good health, peace, harmony, success and fulfillment of all the plans and desires that you set for yourself."

Rector of the University 2012-2015, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine, Doctor of Law, Professor, Honored Lawyer of Ukraine, Colonel-General of Police Serhii Husarov said: “Dear graduates, you studied in one of the best higher education institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine. You guarded public order on the streets, took part in cultural and mass events, became real Kharkivites - patriots of our city. Kharkiv region is a forge of state personnel. Our graduates work in responsible positions in various areas of government. I am sure that among you there are also future leaders, generals, rectors, vice-rectors, etc. Graduation at our university is timed to the birthday of the National Police of Ukraine - July 4. I wish you success, happiness and health! In a good way! Glory to Ukraine!"

At the end of the event the vocal composition "Shoulder straps" performed by representatives of amateur art of the university was performed. The young officers of the National Police marched through the university square.